Christmas creativity!

Before the holiday year 6 learnt about the story of the Christmas stocking and how it has become a tradtion in some areas of the world to hang a stocking at the end of your bed or on the mantle piece of a fireplace in anticipation of the visit of Father Christmas. This tied in with our recent religious education in which we studied the creation stories of Judasim and Islam and subsequently how Hanukkah is celebrated. We learnt that there are many different celebrations at this time of year and they have many different tradtions associated with them, the Christmas stocking is one such tradtion.

First the children planned their stockings and wrote about the history of the tradtion before carefully cutting out the shapes needed from various materials.

There were many fabulous designs, some more tradtional than others but the children had fun (and frustration) learning how to use the various types of sticking such as a running, cross and anchor stitch.  We hope that they will adorn trees and mantle pieces across Winton and be dusted off in future years for further use!